Since 2014 the Hospital San Ignacio the Javerian Center of Oncology and the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, formed the interdisciplinary working group: “Functional Unit of Lung Cancer“. This group is made up of oncologists, pneumologist, lnmunologists, radiotherapists, thoracic surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, geneticists, nurses and palliatists. Its main objective is to respond in an early and efficient way to the needs of patients with lung cancer, offering the best comprehensive treatment and support, provide education, teaching and generate translational research based on the problems identified in our population.

PhD, Professor at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

MD – Director of the Internal Medicine Department at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

MD – Oncologist at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
From this interdisciplinary group emerged the need to establish links with professionals dedicated to research in the area of basic sciences in order to establish a line of research directed towards the search for new biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of the disease. Consequently, since 2014 our Transdisciplinary Research Group has been working on research projects related to epigenetics and its relation to lung cancer. Specifically analyzing the mechanisms of transcriptional regulation and the enzymatic complexes that are involved with the activation or repression of genes and / or transcription factors related to lung cancer.

María José Fernández
Internal Medicine and Respiratory Physician at Hospital Universitario San Ignacio and also a Physiology Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia

Olga Moreno
Biologist of the National University of Colombia, with a Master`s degree in biology and a PhD candidate in sciences at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Jorge Luis Rodríguez
Pulmonary pathologist, Professor of pathology at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. MBA (c) Universidad de los Andes.
From this interdisciplinary group emerged the need to establish links with professionals dedicated to research in the area of basic sciences in order to establish a line of research directed towards the search for new biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of the disease. Consequently, since 2014 our Transdisciplinary Research Group has been working on research projects related to epigenetics and its relation to lung cancer. Specifically analyzing the mechanisms of transcriptional regulation and the enzymatic complexes that are involved with the activation or repression of genes and / or transcription factors related to lung cancer.

Andrea Otálora
Andrea works in Lung Cancer, evaluating the participation of some transcription factors in this pathology.

Carlos Camero
His degree work consists in evaluating the function of the ROR1 receptor in lung cancer.

Camila Bernal
Camila is currently working on Lung Cancer, evaluating the participation of RUNx2 transcription factor in apoptosis.