Adriana Rojas Moreno holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and Chemistry (Universidad del Tolima).
Masters in Sciences – with emphasis in Genetics at the Universidad de Los Andes.
PhD in Sciences, Mention: Cellular, Molecular Biology and Neurosciences at the Universidad de Chile, 2014.
MIT (Martha´s Constantine Lab) Training in the use of the CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing tool in human cell lines. (2016)
Postdoctoral training at the IMIBIC (Universidad de Córdoba, Spain) 2019.
Visiting Professor Associated at Department of Genetics and the Epigenetics and DNA Repair Group of the University of Córdoba (SPAIN), and the Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research (IMIBIC) February 6 to June 6 – 2022.

Adriana Rojas Moreno
Dr. Adriana Rojas holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and Chemistry from the Universidad del Tolima with a Masters in Sciences – with emphasis in Genetics – at the University of Los Andes, and PhD in Sciences, Mention: Cellular Molecular Biology and Neurosciences at the University of Chile, 2014. Experience in teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate, in the areas of Epigenetics, Cytogenetics, Genetics, Evolution, Cellular and Molecular Biology. Research Experience in Epigenetics and Lung Cancer, epigenetic control of the expression of genes involved in sexual differentiation, Cytogenetics and Transcriptional Regulation. Fellow Colciencias for doctoral studies abroad YEAR 2008. Full-time professor of the Institute of Human Genetics of the Faculty of Medicine since 2004.
Dr. Adriana Rojas is working in four major areas of research. The first is related to evaluate the mechanisms of epigenetic control that regulate the transcriptional activity of genes involved in the onset and progression of lung cancer. These epigenetic mechanisms include DNA methylation, covalent histone modification and the presence of mRNA. Our research objectives in this area are:
1. To evaluate the epigenetic mechanisms that regulate neoplastic processes such as lung cancer.
2. Establish the importance of regulatory complexes for transcription activity or repression in lung cancer.
3. Evaluate the participation of transcription factors in the onset and progression of cancer. Projects financed by San Ignacio Hospital, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
The second area of research is related to the genetic and epigenetic characterization of genes involved with sexual differentiation in humans. With the execution of this project our research group will evaluate the role of epigenetic control mechanisms as a fundamental factor in human sexual determination. Proyectos financiados por COLCIENCIAS y el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio.
The third area is related to the environmental impact during the gestation period and the response to allergies. This initiative arises thanks to the creation of the academic link with Dr. Mercedes Olaya, director of the Department of Pathology, project funded by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
The fourth area is related to the analysis of the contribution of epigenetic mechanisms in cellular senescence and cancer. In this area of work we have been working in collaboration with Dr. Berta Cristina Henriquez of Universidad San Sebastian – Chile. Project financed by the FPIT “Foundation for the promotion of research and technology” of the Banco de la República-Colombia.
- Identificación de lncRNA en Biopsia líquida de pacientes con Cáncer de pulmón NSCLC. Investigadores: Adriana Rojas, Olga Moreno, Alejandra Cañas, Paola Ayala, Reggie García.
- Caracterización de células tumorales procedentes de cáncer de pulmón NSCLC. Alejandra Cañas, Ricardo Brugés, Adriana Rojas, Olga Moreno.